FFYWB - Fuel Up

Food for Your Well-Being (FFYWB) is a nutrition and wellness education series from Bon Appétit Management Company that supports your well-being, whether you’re working or learning onsite or at home. Read the tips, watch the videos, and try the recipes for all FFYWB topics.


Giving your body the optimal fuel before, during, and post workout is an important part of successful training. Eat whole foods as an alternative to common sports nutrition products.

Tips to energize your workout and recover quickly:

  • Go for the power combination. Carbohydrates are essential to fuel your muscles, and protein helps rebuild and repair them.
  • Eat anti-inflammatory whole foods. Eating anti-inflammatory whole foods like fruits and vegetables can boost both physical and mental performance as well as support recovery.
  • Hydrate. The more you sweat, the more you need to hydrate. Sip water before, during, and after exercise. If your workout is high endurance or lasting more than 60 minutes, rehydrate throughout your workout with a (DIY) sports drink to replenish electrolytes.
  • Eat right before a workout or event. Pay attention to what you eat prior to activity to maintain optimal performance. Focus on easy-to-digest carbohydrates with a bit of lean protein while avoiding high-fat and high-fiber foods the closer you get to your workout or event.
  • Refuel post-workout. The body’s cells are very receptive within the first hour after working out. Replenish your body with a mix of carbohydrates and protein after intense or endurance activities to assist with recovery and prevent soreness.

DIY Sports Recovery Drink Video

Skip the store-bought sports drinks! The following video is a guide to making a homemade exercise recovery drink. To participate, simply download the recipe card and gather your ingredients, then follow along with the video to prepare your refreshing recovery beverage.


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Fuel like the pros — mostly

For everyday athletes, fueling with the right foods and proper hydration can also make a difference, but the approach may be a little more relaxed. See how to fuel up.

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Nutrient timing matters

Maximizing the benefits of working out includes choosing the right foods to fuel up and recover quickly after all that effort! Get our nutrient timing tips here.

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Skip the uncertainty and make your own

Many energy bars come with a long list of ingredients and high doses of sugar. Naturally sweetened by dates and loaded with tahini and dried fruit for extended energy, these homemade balls are sure to satisfy when hunger strikes.

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